Saturday, May 08, 2004


Today has been busy. I took Doro and 13 other MKs went to Six Flags this morning. It was rather complicated to get them all there and get the reduced-price tickets, but somehome we managed. I go back at 7pm to pick them up. Then as soon as I got home I had to get lunch ready for 10. Gary did a lot of the work--mowed the lawn, scrubbed the bird doodoo off the deck, and started the charcoal. It was the guys here for the WordWorks meetings. They stay in the dorm, but there are no meals in the dining hall on the weekends. The weather was perfect for a picnic.

One problem was the mulberry tree is in season and there are purple berries all over the deck and ground. The birds like them too and the deposit fruit colored doodoo everywhere. I could make a pie if I could just harvest enough of them at one time. The taste good.

I bought a watermelon yesterday at the store for today's picnic, but somewhere between the store and the refrigerator, it disappeared. So I baked some cupcakes for dessert instead.


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