Monday, November 15, 2004

Life goes on

G. seemed to have a decent time in California and a nice weekend with his parents in Phoenix.

A. woke me up this morning with a phone call from Ethiopia. He had forgotten that the time is an hour different since we went off of Daylight savings time. He called because he needs a copy of his Harvard diploma as part of the red tape to go through to become SP's legal representative. So I took it out of the frame and scanned it and sent it to him. (How did we manage in the days before the internet??)

D. phoned over the weekend saying he had gotten a rejection from the PhD and MD programs at Johns Hopkins, and a rejection from the PhD program at Stanford. So he won't be applying to either of those places. He did get, unsolicited, an invitation to apply to Washington University Med school (and they're the number 1 med school). But he probably won't apply there either because he says he wouldn't have any chance of getting into their PhD program. Here is a quote from an email from D. today:

Best Buy work was good. It's enlightening to work a straight 8-hour shift with only a 20 minute break in the middle. I can't believe I have it so easy here at NIH. The frisbee tourney was good. We lost in overtime during the first game, so I didn't have to spend all day out there. Then I went downtown and bought a suit (egads!). The alterations will be done on Friday, and it should look pretty sharp. It came to $250, but I still need shoes and a belt. It never ends, does it? Good thing I have three jobs. I got my stitches out this morning and I'm actually pretty happy with how my face is looking. It's much less swollen and misshapen than it was a week ago

R. has been working so hard the last 10 days. She's got two things due tomorrow, another thing on Thursday, and her big test on Saturday. But she's been handling the stress better than usual. Keep praying for her.

I've got lunch and dinner plans for tomorrow with some of my lady friends, something I like to do when G. is away.


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