Thursday, November 11, 2004

Gary is gone

We left for DFW at 4:30am--the good thing about that is that there is no traffic at that hour. I made it there and back in an hour, so went back to bed until time for the annual Wycliffe Day of Prayer that was held at the big Baptist church.

David has bought his tickets to come to Texas for his first medical school interview at Baylor in Houston. He was also invited to apply for their accompanying Ph.D. program. I saw the schedule--it starts with breakfast Friday Dec. 3 and doesn't end until 7pm or later. He will fly to Dallas on Southwest late Friday night and then back to DC late on Saturday. So we'll get to see him for less than one day.

We also are expecting another visitor that weekend--more details on that later when plans are finalized.

Rachel turned in the first of two big projects today. She didn't quite get one section as long as it was supposed to be, but she gave it a good shot. I hope the teacher isn't too hard of a grader :-) She gets a tiny break tonight when she attends a concert. Tomorrow she has to get going on her 20-page paper that is due Tuesday. So far she has about 4-5 pages done. So keep praying for her. I am proud of how she is sticking with it and keeping her composure amidst the stress.

Andrew has gotten his Ethiopian drivers license, now he needs a vehicle. He is going to Awassa this week in an attempt to get permission to start work there. He got some official document this week that had been signed by Colin Powell which is supposed to make him an official entity in the country.

Auntie Carol is here visiting for 3-4 days; she leaves Saturday. She always cheers us up. She took us out for enchiladas last night in exchange for free bed and breakfast.


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