Monday, July 11, 2005


We've heard very briefly from Rachel. The group made it safely to LA last night. This morning they served breakfast at a homeless shelter. Then they were given $5 and told to "go help somebody." I'm anxious to hear more details about that.

David has talked his rich and soft parents into co-signing his mortgage loan so he can get a bigger place at a lower interest rate. So I had to spend part of today pulling together financial papers which we will fax in tomorrow. David's analysis of our kindness: "Yeah, mom, you get half of the liability and none of the asset."

I also went button shopping today at a unique store in our town. When you walk inside, you feel like you've stepped into a 1950s time-warp. They probably had 100,000 buttons to choose from, sorted into little containers by color. I needed two buttons, but couldn't make up my mind, so I bought four pairs while I was at it.

My faithful swimming partner is out of town, so I have to see if one of these boys will go to the pool with me.


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