Monday, August 29, 2005

Forced Vacation

No trip to the office for me and Gary today, or for anyone else at our Wycliffe Center. The quad of offices are without power since yesterday, apparently due to a burned out power main or something.

The timing is good from my point of view, since David showed up late last night to spend a few hours with Andrew and Laura before they leave for Ethiopia. He will drive back to Houston sometime later today. Since he did so well on his first exam last Monday, I guess he thinks he can miss classes today. At any rate, we are glad he came home, even if he missed the reception last Saturday.

Andrew and Laura have to get serious about starting to pack their stuff up and I think they decided they need to start by buying another suitcase. Yesterday I started feeling sad about them leaving. Laura's mom and David are making plans to go to Addis Ababa for Christmas, so they should be able to have some family with them for the holidays.


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