Wednesday, February 20, 2008

It's a Boy! No, Wait.

Laura had had a songram in Honduras last Saturday where her doctor told them, "It's a boy!" Andrew had called all excited with the news and we started talking about the name "Lucas."

While at Babies R Us on Monday we looked at all the cute baseball outfits (but didn't buy any).

Then I drove Laura back to Presbyterian hospital for her American sonogram on Tuesday morning. She asked me if I would like to come in and I was glad to be able to, since I had never seen a live sonogram before. The technician asked Laura if she would like to know the gender and Laura said, we just had a sonogram on Saturday in Honduras, so I already know. She measured the head, check out the spine, looked at the femur, etc., then casually said, "It's a girl, and..."

Laura and I both said, "What???"

Laura explained how she had been told it was a boy. The technician spent another 10-15 minutes making baby girl move around so she could be sure, then pronounced: "I'm 99.9% sure this is a girl."

So now we're trying out "Isabella" for a name and looking at pretty little girl outfits.

The photo above shows her face. It was amazing to see every vertebra in her spine and to see her wave her tiny fingers at us.


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