Wednesday, July 02, 2008

More Photos

But this time, more wedding photos.

I've just gotten this URL from Sarah's mom, letting us know there are many beautiful professional photos of David and Sarah's wedding posted in an online slideshow. There are three sets; click on them one at a time from the main page to see the full set.

Today was also my birthday, but who has time for a birthday with all the other things going on at our place?? We did go out to Los Lupes for dinner, taking 6-day old Isabella with us, and she slept through all that noise.

In other news, I hate all our cars. Or more to the point, they all hate me. The check engine light has come on for a THIRD time in David's car, we had to go jump start Rachel's car when it was dead after work and before she had to be at the dentist, and now I see a brake light is out on the van. :-(


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