Sunday, June 13, 2004

First fun, then work

We got up fairly early (Andrew stayed out again all night, got home at 5:30a and the sun starts getting up before that), and left at 8am for church. We walked 15 minutes to the subway station, then rode for 10 minutes, then got off at Park Street Church. The young couple who were the greeters were Taylor grads. The church isn't that big, but it was cool. The choir was well above average, good pipe organ too. Outside the door was the cemetery where Paul Revere, Mother Goose, and victims of the Boston Massacre are buried.

After church we walked some of the Freedom Trail, toured Old Ironsides, and ate lunch at a little place nearby. Then got a different train back to Harvard, arriving just before 3pm.

Once home we had to get serious about cleaning and moving stuff into the giveaway room. I think G. and A. made 10 trips altogether. Andrew put his bed, chair, desk, mirror, dishes, lamp, etc to sell for almost nothing on an honor payment system for international students coming in next year. I don't know if he did it that way because he is generous or because he is too lazy to try to sell the stuff. Then I scrubbed the disgustingly dirty bathroom, swept his room, and washed a few walls. But really, his roommate is going to get the worst of the cleaning since he is staying for another two weeks. Somehow he has managed to live here without basic cleaning supplies for two years :-(

Now he is off for dinner and yet another party. We declined to go with him, we're too pooped. Besides, the conversation will all be in Spanish.


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